
Standard For Loop and ForEach Loop

by Keith Rowles • 05/12/2022JavaScript

A picture of a person working on a laptop


A few examples using the standard for loop and the ForEach loop to output some arrays.

There is a link to the demo at the bottom of the page.


  • HTML
  • JavaScript


Add some containers in your web page to display the output.

<div class="container">
  <h2>Fruit Output</h2>
  <div id="outputOne" class="alert alert-info"></div>
  <hr />

  <h2>Number Output</h2>
  <div id="outputTwo" class="alert alert-info"></div>
  <hr />

  <h2>Month Output</h2>
  <div id="outputThree" class="alert alert-info"></div>
  <hr />

  <h2>Dinner Output</h2>
  <div id="outputFour" class="alert alert-info"></div>
  <hr />

  <h2>Fast Food Output</h2>
  <div id="outputFive" class="alert alert-info list-unstyled"></div>
  <hr />

  <h2>Veges Output</h2>
  <div id="outputSix" class="alert alert-info"></div>
  <hr />

  <h2>Company Output</h2>
  <div id="outputSeven" class="alert alert-info list-unstyled"></div>


Here are the arrays:

const companies = [
    name: 'Company One',
    category: 'Finance',
    start: 1981,
    end: 2004,
    name: 'Company Two',
    category: 'Retail',
    start: 1992,
    end: 2008,
    name: 'Company Three',
    category: 'Auto',
    start: 1999,
    end: 2007,
    name: 'Company Four',
    category: 'Retail',
    start: 1989,
    end: 2010,
    name: 'Company Five',
    category: 'Technology',
    start: 2009,
    end: 2014,
    name: 'Company Six',
    category: 'Finance',
    start: 1987,
    end: 2010,
    name: 'Company Seven',
    category: 'Auto',
    start: 1986,
    end: 1996,
    name: 'Company Eight',
    category: 'Technology',
    start: 2011,
    end: 2016,
    name: 'Company Nine',
    category: 'Retail',
    start: 1981,
    end: 1989,

const fruits = [

const numbers = [65, 44, 12, 4];

const months = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April'];

const dinner = [
  'meat pie',
  'baked beans',
  'sausage roll',

const fastfooditems = [
  { id: '🍔', name: 'Super Burger', price: 399 },

  { id: '🍟', name: 'Jumbo Fries', price: 199 },

  { id: '🥤', name: 'Big Slurp', price: 299 },

var veggies = ['Potato', 'Spinach', 'Capsicum', 'Pumpkin', 'Carrots'];

Code To Display Fruits Arrays

let text = '';
let fruittext = '';
// for loop
for (i = 0; i < fruits.length; i++) {
  fruittext += [i] + ': ' + fruits[i] + '<br>';

document.getElementById('outputOneTwo').innerHTML = fruittext;

// forEach

document.getElementById('outputOne').innerHTML = text;

function outputMyArray(item, index) {
  text += index + ': ' + item + '<br>';

Code To Display Numbers Array

let sum = 0;


document.getElementById('outputTwo').innerText = sum;

function sumMyArray(item) {
  sum += item;

let nums = '';

for (let x in numbers) {
  nums += numbers[x] + '<br>';

document.getElementById('outputTwoTwo').innerHTML = nums;

Code To Display Months Array

let month = '';

months.forEach(function (item, index, arr) {
  month += index + ' : ' + item + ' : ' + arr + '<br>';

document.getElementById('outputThree').innerHTML = month;

Code To Display Dinner Array

let mydinner = '';

dinner.forEach((item, index, array) => {
  mydinner += `${item} is at index ${index} in array: [${array}]` + '<br><br>';

document.getElementById('outputFour').innerHTML = mydinner;

Code To Display Fast Food Array

const burgerBox = document.querySelector('#outputFive');

fastfooditems.forEach((item) => {
  burgerBox.innerHTML += `
            ${} ${} - ${(item.price / 100).toFixed(2)}

Code To Display Veggies Array


function listMyVeges(itemName, index) {
  document.getElementById('outputSix').innerHTML +=
    index + ': ' + itemName + '<br>';

Code To Display Company Array

const listOfCompanies = document.querySelector('#outputSeven');

companies.forEach((item) => {
  listOfCompanies.innerHTML += `
            ${} ${item.category} - ${item.start} : ${item.end}


Open demo on Code Pen. (Clicking the link will open up a new window.)

Link to Demo